Roots of Empathy: Thanks to Aoife and Baby Aela

All of the Claddagh School community would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Aoife and Baby Aela who made it possible for us to run the Roots of Empathy programme in St. Nicholas’ N.S this year.

Aoife, thank you for your commitment to the programme and the kindness you showed towards the Roots of Empathy instructor and the 4th class children over the course of the programme.

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A special thank you to Baby Aela who acted as our Roots of Empathy teacher this year. She has taught us to be more understanding and how to show empathy towards all of the people in our lives.

We must also say a big Happy Birthday to Aela as she turned one last week.

We hope you enjoyed your special celebrations!

To learn more about the Roots of Empathy programme please visit


watch this video: What is Roots of Empathy?

We look forward to welcoming more Roots of Empathy babies into our school community in the future.