Convince Me: Should We Go Back to School?

Eve Kelly and Maja Baltruszewicz in Rang a 5 go head-to head to try and convince you (and Leo Varadkar!) of their opinions regarding the continuing closures of schools.

So, should we go back to school? Read on to be convinced, one way or the other.

Why we Should Go Back to School

By Eve Kelly

I am writing to you, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, to inform you on my thoughts on the school closures and the possibilities of schools re-opening.

As we all know the schools and colleges have been closed due to Covid 19 for an extended period of time. I personally think the schools should re-open. Here is why:


People’s Mental Health

Now almost no one is allowed to see any family or friends. This will cause many people to break the current restrictions in place and, it will cause many student’s and adult’s mental health to develop or in some cases, worsen what’s already there.

The Weather

Summer is coming soon and therefore the weather will be a lot better, causing more and more people to break the restrictions in place to go visit co workers and friends from school.

Frontline Workers

By opening schools, a great amount of pressure will be taken off workers still in their positions in shops to find childcare for the kids at home.

So, how do we introduce students to a school environment safely again?

My theory is that instead of bringing in a small number of children let’s say 5, bring in 10. Why? Well if only five children and one teacher were in the room standards would automatically drop as students and teachers will think they are safer due to the small number of people in the room. Now if there were 10 in the room plus a teacher, the standards would be higher, rules will be stricter, and people will be more aware of physical contact.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read this. Stay Safe.

Why we should not go back to school

By Maja Baltruszewicz

In these hard times, there really is nothing we can do except for not touching our faces, keeping a distance and no mass gatherings. Most importantly I want to tell my opinion on why we should not be allowed back to school. Here's my opinion.

There are more than 12 kids in each classroom. That saying "The more, the merrier" is definitely not true in these times. Especially in winter, when a lot of people get colds, it could be very possible that germs can spread from one child to another.

Handshakes are not acceptable in school. More children will have contact with germs. The worst part is that viruses spread FAST.

I think that if too many people are in one place it can get MESSY.

People don't even want to be near each other so why make it any harder on the children? But we still have to be aware about germs, bacteria and other people’s germs.

The children (like me) were very worried about the virus even before lockdown! I think, for the sake of everyone’s health, us children, teachers and any staff members should be not allowed back to schools (also the same for preschools and colleges).I don’t know anything more than that except for that we have to keep our hands clean, no handshaking, and keeping a 2 meter distance.

I hope this virus ends soon. And that was my report on why we should NOT be allowed back to school. Thank you for reading.