As directed by the Government, Claddagh National School will close today, 12th March, at 2:30 p.m. and remain closed until March 29th at least.

Here at Claddagh School we will endeavour to keep you updated regarding all announcements that will affect your children.

Most of all , we in Claddagh School would like to wish everybody in our school community and beyond continued safety and good health.

Supporting Your Child’s Learning and Well-Being

We will also do our utmost to help you support your child's learning during the closure period.

As such, all children will be sent home with a list of recommended learning they can continue during the period of closure. This will include text-based and online material, and we urge you - as much as practically possible - to continue supporting your child's learning during this period. Even sitting down and reading with your child each day will be of huge benefit.

Don't forget, also, to support your child's development by making time for physical or outdoor activity, if at all possible - this is essential to support a child's physical and mental well-being.

Please find below a list of free, high-quality online learning resources, as well as suggested activities for parents and children at home.